Federal Programs Director
(662) 456-3332
Email William Cook
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Parents and Students
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Federal Program Funds are intended to ensure that all children have the opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach proficiency on challenging state academic standards and assessments.
These programs are to improve:
academic achievement
reading/math skills
professional development
technology practices
English language acquisition
parent involvement
Title I A
Title I provides formula grant to school districts which allocate most of the funds to individual Title I schools based on their number of economically disadvantaged students. Funds in Houston School District are used for Schoolwide Programs. These programs work to raise the achievement of low performing students by improving instruction throughout the entire school district, thus using Title I funds to serve all children. Title I funds may be used for a variety of services and activities, but are most commonly used for instruction in language arts and mathematics.
Title II A
These funds increase student achievement by improving teacher and principal quality through recruitment, hiring, and retention strategies.
Title III A
Funds through Title III assist Houston School Districts in teaching English to limited English proficient students and helps these students meet the same challenging state standards required of all students.
Title VI
The Rural and Low-Income School Program authorizes LEA to use funds for:
teacher recruitment
professional development
educational technology
parental involvement activities
activities authorized under Safe and Drug Free Schools, Title I, and Title III
Student Privacy
Parents are given annual notice at the beginning of the school year about policies regarding student privacy and a parent’s right to inspect.
Highly Qualified Status of Teachers and Paraprofessional
Parents have the right to request information about the professional qualification of their child’s teacher. Parents may request the following information: whether the teacher meets the state certification requirements for the grades and subjects he or she teaches, whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or provisional credentials, and the bachelor’s degree major of the teacher and any other graduate certification or degrees held by the teacher. In addition, parents have the right to request qualification information about any instructional assistant that provides services to their child. Parents who would like to receive any of this information should provide their child’s principal with a written request. The information will be provided to parents in a timely manner. You will be promptly notified, if for any reason, a non-highly qualified teacher teaches your child for four or more consecutive weeks.
Parent Involvement
All Title I schools hold annual meetings to discuss their school-parent compacts. In compliance with Title I, you have a right to be involved in your child’s education. Each school in Houston School District has developed a family compact that parents should have received. You may contact your child’s school or the Federal Programs Office for an additional copy or to provide input.
Limited English Proficient Program Eligibility and Homeless Children
Houston Schools provides a language instruction educational program for children with limited English proficiency and notifies parents of their child’s eligibility for ESL services and their rights.
Homeless Children project is operated in compliance with Title C, Part C, of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act of 1990, as amended by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, and in accordance with the statutes, regulations, and policies required by the MS Department of Education.
If you suspect waste, fraud, or abuse of funds, please make a report at:
or call 1-800-MISUSED
Federal Programs Director
(662) 456-3332
Email William Cook