October 16, 2023
The Houston CTE Business and Marketing Fundamentals class had the opportunity to tour the business program at the University of Mississippi. Students learned about the business s...

October 12, 2023
Students from Houston and Houlka were able to meet with area colleges and universities to talk about steps to take after high school. These juniors and seniors were able to ask q...

September 22, 2023
The Houston CTE Construction/Electrical and Welding Classes toured the ICC Belden Classes today. They were able to visit with Mr. Jay Michael Alford, former Houston CTE instructo...

September 20, 2023
Second graders from Houston and Houlka got a chance to learn about careers. They visited the Houston CTE and toured each program. The kids had the opportunity to make/create som...

September 19, 2023
The Houston CTE Health Science Classes were able to see the NMMC Life flight helicopter as part of their emergency medicine studies. While they didn't stay because they had an em...

August 29, 2023
Construction and Electrical students are working hard to learn safety. Instructor Mr. Peyton Black is using NCCER standards to teach job safety.

August 24, 2023
Students in Mrs. Rooker's Exploring Computer Science are learning how important it is to give good instruction. It is part of learning logic for computer programming. The comput...

May 4, 2023
Business and Marketing Fundamentals students visited Hollye Kirk with Eaton Automotive today. Students learned about careers in the automotive industry from sales to service to ac...

May 4, 2023
Houston Middle School 8th grade April students of the month
Virginia Gutierrez Ryleigh Simmons Maggie Kipapa T'erika Carter R J Robinson Lasarah Johnson Marquez Johnson Khloe B...

May 4, 2023
HAPPY Administrative Assistants' Day to this wonderful lady!!!! Mrs. Ruthie Hardin is the backbone to this CTE building to say the least! Today, we celebrate her because she deser...